Hotel Amicizia

Clean Hotel in Rimini

Hygiene is important, especially in these times. Our entire staff pays attention to cleanliness, our guests about it in their reviews. To clean and sanitize we use excellent brands, all professional products.

Why choose Hotel Amicizia

  • Very friendly staff
  • Excellent breakfast
  • New rooms, tidy, sanitised and cleaned with extreme care
  • New bathrooms with sanitised box cabins
  • Bedrooms and bathrooms are cleaned everyday. 
  • Common areas are cleaned several times a day

And if I don’t want the daily cleaning?

If you do not want your room to be cleaned every day, just inform the reception.

Are towels changed every day??

We care about the environment. If you want to have the towels changed, put the dirty ones on the floor and the housekeeping service will change them.

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