Hotel Amicizia

Last Minute Offers February Rimini

Hotels during the month of February have competitive rates that allow you to sleep in Rimini at a low cost.

If you often stay at a hotel for business reasons, why don’t you choose the Hotel Amicizia?

You will find new, clean and comfortable rooms. The beds guarantee a perfect night’s sleep.

If you want to work in your room or in the common areas, you can do it thanks to our high-speed fibre Wi-Fi connection.

Where can I find an affordable hotel in Rimini?

Well … we are here, contact us and you will see that we will not disappoint you. Those who have alreadychoosen us come back because satisfied.

The low cost offers of February:

Bed and breakfast offer in February:

Double room for single use € 45 per day
Double/twin room € 49 per day

The offer is valid for the entire month of February with the exception of holidays, events, fairs and conferences where we recommend you to look at the dedicated promotions.

Offers for events in the month of February

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